[Salon] Biden officials claim rogue Ukrainian Navy Seals pulled off deep sea Nord Stream sabotage, despite Ukraine not having a functioning navy


Biden officials claim rogue Ukrainian Navy Seals pulled off deep sea Nord Stream sabotage, despite Ukraine not having a functioning navy

The state's churnalists continue to publish anonymously sourced, comically deficient tales of ruling class heroism.

March 7, 2023

The people in charge have become comically deficient at spinning tales of ruling class heroism and international intrigue, as evidenced by their latest story about the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines.

From scripts declaring that bat (or pangolin) soup led to a “global pandemic,” to declaring that humanity had achieved a “miracle cure” vaccine (100% effective, said Pfizer) for the coronavirus, and now, distorted, source-free chronicles meant to boost support for the Slava Slush Fund, the lies continue to reach new heights of implausibility.

The New York Times dropped the latest spoon-fed script on Tuesday, with three of its intelligence community stenographers writing that an unnamed “pro-Ukrainian group” is said to be responsible for the September sabotage of Russia’s Nord Stream pipelines.

Speaking truth to power? No no no. Forget about that! The New York Times uses power as an instrument to peddle distortions, completely detached from the truth. It is Soviet Pravda, except that the direct Uniparty affiliation remains an unspoken truth.

The sources for their information on the Nord Stream operation are anonymous intelligence agents. Notably, the reporters on the byline have a reputation for peddling stories for three letter agencies, regardless of the veracity behind their claims. These churnalists are very loyal media assets, as proven by their shameless, routine publishing of unsourced declarations from non-identified, anonymous “intelligence” agents. In exchange, they are awarded with journalism awards.

Making matters more absurd, this “pro-Ukrainian” group acted without the knowledge of the man in charge, President Volodomyr Zelensky, or any of his top deputies, the intelligence agents tell the stenographers.

Now, it’s worth noticing that the New York Times article describes these actors as “pro-Ukrainian.” However, the unnamed intelligence agents also told them it was a “proxy force with connections to the Ukrainian government or its security services,” adding that “officials who have reviewed the intelligence said they believed the saboteurs were most likely Ukrainian or Russian nationals.”

There are several reasons to dismiss the idea that some rogue Ukrainian Spetsnaz special forces divers carried out these operations on their own.

For one, the incidents took place close just outside the territorial waters of Denmark in the Baltic Sea, nowhere near Ukraine itself. Ukrainian forces have no naval access to those waters, and would have travel by land or air over Poland to get there.

Even more importantly, the Ukrainian special forces likely do not have the naval capacity to pull off such an operation, whether or not it was approved by Kiev. Only a handful of world powers have the resources to execute a sophisticated deep sea, multi pronged sabotage operation, the United States and Russia being two of these states.

Ukraine, on the other hand, had a barely functioning Navy before the recent flare up with Russia. Moscow has since eliminated much of what was left of Ukraine’s naval capacity, through the capturing of Mariupol and other successful coastal campaigns. Ukraine has a grand total of zero aircraft carriers, zero submarines, and zero destroyers. The rest of its vessels are either decades old or have been damaged or eliminated by Russian forces.

Following The New York Times report, Kiev denied any involvement in the Nord Stream explosions.

The new narrative comes just one month (fast turnaround time on government bureaucrat time) after journalist Sy Hersh reported in great detail on the alleged Biden Administration-directed sabotage of the Nord Stream systems.

Seymour Hersh
How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline
The U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center can be found in a location as obscure as its name—down what was once a country lane in rural Panama City, a now-booming resort city in the southwestern panhandle of Florida, 70 miles south of the Alabama border. The center’s complex is as nondescript as its location—a drab concrete post-World War II structure th…
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The Hersh piece — albeit also anonymously sourced — created lots of new media inquiry in the direction of the White House, which has denied having anything to do with the bombings.

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